Leighton's review, "Structural brain correlates of anxiety during development," has been accepted for publication in the Springer Series in Behavioral Neuroscience, "New discoveries in the brain sciences of fear and anxiety: from basic to clinical neuroscience." Congratulations Leighton!
The BRAINS Lab (Brain Research And INternalizing Symptoms) directed by Dr. Antonia Kaczkurkin at Vanderbilt University uses neuroimaging and psychophysiological methods to study the neurobiological mechanisms underlying internalizing disorders including anxiety and depression. Our broader goal is to contribute to knowledge that can be used to increase the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment for brain-based disorders.
Broad Areas of Interest


Measuring the dimensional rather than categorical nature of psychopathology symptoms.

Studying brain-behavior relationships in samples with naturally occurring comorbidities


Hierarchical classification
Investigating the hierarchical classification of symptoms using statistical modeling.

Common and Dissociable Neurobiology
Examining the neurobiological commonalities shared across disorders as well as unique associations.

Neurobiological Heterogeneity
Understanding the neurobiological heterogeneity that exists within psychopathology.
Leighton successfully defended her dissertation, "A Hierarchical Model of Youth Internalizing Symptoms and Associated Neurostructural Differences". Congratulations Leighton, we are so proud!
Camille Archer's paper is accepted!
Camille's manuscript, "Concurrent and Longitudinal Neurostructural Correlates of Irritability in Children", was accepted by Neuropsychopharmacology. Congratulations Camille!